Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

December 16, 2011

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
  • Fixed a bug which caused Windows Aero Extensions video option to always be enabled, regardless of setting. Disabling this can improve compatibility with third-party programs and overlays, but may also affect performance.
  • Fixed SourceTV showing player counts for the game server instead of the number of clients connected to the SourceTV server

Team Fortress 2
  • Australian Christmas has begun!
    • Added community-contributed winter event items
    • Added new Grordbort Pyro and Engineer item sets
    • Added the "Valve Gift Grab 2011 – TF2" achievement
    • Added Naughty and Nice winter keys to the Mann Co. store
  • Added a new Valve-authored control point map: Foundry
    • added 12 achievements for Foundry
    • added achievement reward milestone reward for Foundry achievement
  • Added UGC Highlander medals
  • Relaxed some restrictions on what misc items can be equipped simultaneously
  • Additional improvements for client stability
  • Updated the localization files

Day of Defeat: Source
  • Added the "Valve Gift Grab 2011 – DoD:S" achievement
  • Updated the localization files

Counter-Strike: Source
  • Added the "Valve Gift Grab 2011 – CS:S" achievement
  • Added rate limiting for connections and added the following ConVars to support that:
    • sv_max_connects_sec
    • sv_max_connects_window
    • sv_max_connects_sec_global
  • Dramatically improved the dynamic model loading system's memory usage, performance, and stability
  • Reduced memory usage on systems running Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7
  • Improved alt-tab handling under Windows Vista and Windows 7
  • Fixed a client crash during demo playback
  • Updated the localization files

Happy Australian Christmas Eve

December 15, 2011

<a href=""><img src="" width="420" height="275" border="0"></a>

As strongly implied in yesterday's <a href="">educational Australian Christmas comic</a>, <a href="">Dr. Grordbort</a> has <a href="">once again</a> landed a steam-powered rocket directly into the gravelly fields of the TF2niverse. Only this time the rocket's a little roomier, and has arrived bearing gifts for two classes, the Engineer and the Pyro.

Click <a href="">here</a> for Part One of our Australian Christmas Update Announcement, and don’t forget to check back tomorrow for Announcement Part Two and, more importantly, the update itself.

Just because the update’s coming tomorrow doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be playing RIGHT NOW, because guess what: Double drop rates start tonight! They’re only around until next Wednesday, so get in there and take advantage of all the double dropping!

Happy Australian Christmas Eve

December 15, 2011

As strongly implied in yesterday's educational Australian Christmas comic, Dr. Grordbort has once again landed a steam-powered rocket directly into the gravelly fields of the TF2niverse. Only this time the rocket's a little roomier, and has arrived bearing gifts for two classes, the Engineer and the Pyro.

Click here for Part One of our Australian Christmas Update Announcement, and don’t forget to check back tomorrow for Announcement Part Two and, more importantly, the update itself.

Just because the update’s coming tomorrow doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be playing RIGHT NOW, because guess what: Double drop rates start tonight! They’re only around until next Wednesday, so get in there and take advantage of all the double dropping!

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Australian Christmas

December 14, 2011

<a href=""><img src="" width="420" height="159" border="0"></a>

What <b><i>is</i></b> the true meaning of <a href="">Australian Christmas</a>? Some say it is a hamfisted attempt by the Australian government to turn a notorious felon into a beloved folk hero. Others say it's a calculated ploy by the novelty munitions industry to sell guns that shoot mistletoe.

And then there are those who look <i>past</i> all that, and maintain that it is a time to reconnect with friends and loved ones, and to be thankful for the blessings in our lives.

And <i>then</i> there are those who are still licking their emotional wounds from all the reconnecting with friends and loved ones they did at Thanksgiving, and realize that the <b>true</b> true meaning of Australian Christmas is zero human contact, eating candy, and getting as many presents as possible.

And those people are correct—<b>that</b> is the true meaning of Australian Christmas. We looked it up.

But don't take our word for it. <a href="">Ask the Engineer</a>.

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like Australian Christmas

December 14, 2011

What is the true meaning of Australian Christmas? Some say it is a hamfisted attempt by the Australian government to turn a notorious felon into a beloved folk hero. Others say it's a calculated ploy by the novelty munitions industry to sell guns that shoot mistletoe.

And then there are those who look past all that, and maintain that it is a time to reconnect with friends and loved ones, and to be thankful for the blessings in our lives.

And then there are those who are still licking their emotional wounds from all the reconnecting with friends and loved ones they did at Thanksgiving, and realize that the true true meaning of Australian Christmas is zero human contact, eating candy, and getting as many presents as possible.

And those people are correct—that is the true meaning of Australian Christmas. We looked it up.

But don't take our word for it. Ask the Engineer.

Team Fortress 2 Update Released

December 03, 2011

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
  • Fixed the "Checkout Unavailable" error preventing certain accounts from purchasing items
  • Improved the framerate stuttering issues some clients were experiencing

Mann Co. Spotlight Items

December 02, 2011

<a href=""><img src="" width="420" height="242" border="0"></a>

Today, we're introducing a <a href="">new item</a> from the Steam Workshop, voted on by the community and buyable by everyone. The “Itsy Bitsy Spyer” is a miniature Spy voodoo doll that clips onto the Engineer's belt. It's featured in our Mann Co. Spotlight box at the immediate right of this post!

And for you traders out there, there's a link right underneath the Spotlight item that'll let you buy keys without going into the game. Plus, we’ve removed the three-day trading cooldown for anyone whose first Steam purchase was 30 days ago or more.

All of which brings us to the last new feature we're introducing today: "Buy Now" links that you can create for any item and embed anywhere. Visit the <a href="">FAQ</a> for more details!

Mann Co. Spotlight Items

December 02, 2011

Today, we're introducing a new item from the Steam Workshop, voted on by the community and buyable by everyone. The “Itsy Bitsy Spyer” is a miniature Spy voodoo doll that clips onto the Engineer's belt. It's featured in our Mann Co. Spotlight box at the immediate right of this post!

And for you traders out there, there's a link right underneath the Spotlight item that'll let you buy keys without going into the game. Plus, we’ve removed the three-day trading cooldown for anyone whose first Steam purchase was 30 days ago or more.

All of which brings us to the last new feature we're introducing today: "Buy Now" links that you can create for any item and embed anywhere. Visit the FAQ for more details!

Team Fortress 2 Update Released

December 02, 2011

Updates to Team Fortress 2 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:
  • Added the Itsy Bitsy Spyer
  • Added a "Buy Now" feature that allows item purchases on the web
  • WebAPI changes:
    • Moved IEconAssets/GetAssetPrices to ISteamEconomy/GetAssetPrices
    • Added new web API ISteamEconomy/GetAssetClassInfo for getting descriptions of items

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

November 30, 2011

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
  • Fixed a client crash during demo playback