Team Fortress 2 Update Released
December 02, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 26, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Fixed a client crash related to achievements
- Fixed a client crash related to Spy animations
- Fixed a client crash related to the Spectator HUD
- Fixed changes to video settings not being saved between sessions
- Fixed not being able to block control points from being captured
- Fixed not respawning instantly after changing loadout in a respawn room
- Fixed Medi Gun prediction stuttering when using tf_medigun_autoheal
- Fixed the Necro Smasher not falling into the world properly when dropped
- Fixed Killstreak sheen effects for the Necro Smasher
- Fixed The Lone Star not using the correct Blue team material
- Fixed the Brim-Full Of Bullets not being held by the Sniper during the melee taunt
- Added the Gamers Assembly tournament medals
- Added the TF2mixup 2014 medal
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 21, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Additional improvements for client stability
- Added a check to prevent building in trigger_hurt areas
- Fixed seeing bumper cart icons for deaths while in hell on maps other than doomsday_event
- Fixed not hearing localized audio while connected to a server using sv_pure
- Updated pl_upward
- Added stairs to forward Blue spawn underground
- Updated the trigger hurt in the outer cliff area to cover the bottom of the map
- Added stairs to forward Blue spawn underground
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 14, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Fixed a dedicated server crash caused by clients disconnecting while touching a trigger_hurt entity
- Fixed an exploit that involved players killing teammates with the meteor spell by switching to Spectator
- Fixed a bug that allowed weapons to be equipped in invalid loadout slots
- Fixed a rendering problem for Linux clients using AMD drivers
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 11, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Added a new promo item, The Nabler
- Fixed a client crash caused by using custom HUD files
- Updated the equip_region for Gone Commando and The Mann of the House
- Updated the Freedom Staff so Halloween Spells can be applied to it
- Updated Mann Co. Store prices for foreign currencies to current USD equivalents
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 08, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Fixed a bug where players could be teleported to hell and not have visible bumper car
- Fixed a bug where Engineers could not pick up a building if the building was higher than the player
- Fixed a text clipping problem with the HUD achievement tracker
- Added ConVar tf_halloween_bonus_ducks_cooldown to control the frequency Merasmus speaks that line
- Added a red glow for player ghosts on team Red
- Updated rd_asteroid
- Continued art-pass process
- Updated sd_doomsday_event
- Fixed a timing issue with Merasmus's announcement of the tickets becoming available
- Updated koth_lakeside_event
- Fixed missing collision on a barrel near the capture point
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 06, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Fixed a client crash related to the main menu
- Fixed players not creating gibs when they are killed
- Fixed player glow effects not drawing correctly
- Fixed the Rescue Ranger being able pick-up buildings through walls
- Fixed map-placed buildings being removed from the map during a round restart
- Fixed sentry guns having ammo if they finished building after a Merasmus curse had started
- Fixed Engineers being able to pick-up buildings during Merasmus's third-person curses
- Updated the string used to display the kill stat for the Strange Horseless Headless Horseman's Headtaker
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
November 05, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Added the 'Tomb Raider' tag to the item import tool
- Added The Kritz or Treat Canteen to the Halloween 2014 Community Bundle
- Players who previously purchased the bundle have automatically been granted the item
- Fixed a client crash that could happen while the server was changing maps
- Fixed the Teleport spell not appearing in Helltower
- Fixed rare spells appearing in regular Helltower spellbook pick-ups
- Fixed disguised Spies not displaying the correct health value to enemies
- Fixed the Engineer not playing the proper response rules while using the Golden Frying Pan
- Fixed the Sniper getting stuck with a zoomed FOV after taunting while zooming
- Fixed maps not loading correctly in the SFM tool
- Fixed a bug in the Workshop import tool related to frame count calculation for taunts that were exported from the SFM tool
- Fixed the Demoman not riding in the correct bumper car position when holding two-handed melee weapons
- Disabled auto team-balance while players are in hell on Helltower and Carnival of Carnage
- Updated bumper cars to deal damage when hitting players not in bumper cars
- Updated the Necro Smasher so Strange parts and Halloween Spells can be applied to it
- Updated the equip_region for the Iron Fist
- Removed the smoke effect from the Tiny Texan
- Updated the Rescue Ranger so players no longer block its ability to pick-up buildings from a distance
- Updated sd_doomsday_event
- Fixed a bug where Merasmus's curses would trigger during the bumper car minigames
- Fixed players using the tiny-melee-only curse to get outside of the playable area of the map
- Fixed a bug with the Eureka Effect and with teleporters where players could escape being teleported to the bumper car minigames
- Reduced duration of the Monoculus spell from 15 seconds to 8 seconds
- Fixed players being able to construct buildings in the spawn areas
- Fixed Engineers not being able to build if a Merasmus curse is enabled while they were carrying a building
- Updated Merasmus's curses to remove all projectiles and sentry gun ammo when teleporting players to the middle of the map
- Fixed a bug where Merasmus's curses would trigger during the bumper car minigames
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
October 31, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
- Fixed a dedicated server crash related to the new map sd_doomsday_event and server-wide curses
- Fixed Blue team hearing the win audio instead of the lose audio when Red gets the tickets to the Strongmann machine
- Fixed grenade projectiles doing more damage than expected
- Fixed players changing team to respawn outside of their cart while playing a minigame
- Fixed players being able to use the Eureka effect while in their bumper car
- Fixed a bug that let Engineers move faster while carrying a building
- Fixed the Spycicle not giving the Spy fire resistance
- Fixed The Manngaroo itemset including the wrong item
- Updated the equip_region for the Vaccinator and Quick-Fix
- Fixed a bug where players would not get a kill credit for turning another player in to a ghost
- Updated player ghosts to always use team color
- Updated the new TargetID system
- Added Advance Option and ConVar to disable floating health icon (tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health)
- Added Advance Option to control the alpha of TargetID nameplate
- Fixed not showing for disguised enemy Spies
- Fixed showing the health of cloaked Spies
- Fixed not hiding the panel when players are no longer visible
- Added Advance Option and ConVar to disable floating health icon (tf_hud_target_id_disable_floating_health)
- Added ConVar tf_weapon_criticals_melee to control whether melee weapons have random crits. Works separately from tf_weapon_criticals.
- Fixed the knife not playing its backstab animation when crits are disabled
- Fixed round-end crits not working when tf_weapon_criticals is set to zero
- Updated sd_doomsday_event
- Added spell pickups near the ticket case spawn
- Reduced mega spell respawn time from 90 seconds to 45 seconds
- Fixed curses occurring in bumper car minigames
- Fixed players being able to boost their bumper cars early
- Increased the damage that bumper cars receive from collisions
- Players can no longer suicide when in a Bumper Car
- Replaced large ammo kits near the Strongmann machine with spells
- Reduced ammo kit size on the bridge from full to medium
- Updated HHH to use a giant Necro Smasher when attacking players
- Platform game:
- Fixed Merasmus giving instructions in the platform game when it gets to the final platform
- Center tent pole now vanishes when the final platform is reached
- Fixed Merasmus giving instructions in the platform game when it gets to the final platform
- Soccer game:
- Added HHH, spawns 45 seconds into the match
- Duck game:
- Increased max score to 200
- Added spell pickups near the ticket case spawn
Team Fortress 2 Update Released
October 30, 2014
An update to Team Fortress 2 has been released. The update will be applied automatically when you restart Team Fortress 2. The major changes include:
Scream Fortress VI has arrived!
During Scream Fortress VI
Scream Fortress VI has arrived!
- Help Merasmus with his carnival!
- Comic and additional information available on the website (
- Scream Fortress VI runs until November 12, 2014
- Added new Halloween map Carnival of Carnage
- Merasmus will spread misfortune with server wide curses
- Added a Strongmann Test-Your-Strength machine which is in no way an eldritch portal to Bumper Car Madness!
- Merasmus will spread misfortune with server wide curses
- Added bumper car minigames. Win by completely ghostifying the other team or by completing the objective
- Alt-fire to speed boost your bumper car
- Cast spells while driving
- The collision force a bumper car receives increases as the car takes damage
- Force is displayed in the bumper car HUD as a percentage
- Ghosts can come back to life by touching a friendly bumper car
- 50 new Halloween-themed community cosmetics
- 6 new achievements
During Scream Fortress VI
- A Halloween Gift Cauldron is granted to all players who play during the event
- Added Halloween crates to the Mann Co. Store. These crates do not require a key to open
- All Unusual hats and taunts that are unboxed during the event will receive Halloween-themed Unusual effects
- Previous Scream Fortress content is available in the Mann Co. Store
- Reduced the number of Fireball spells granted to 2
- Updated the tf_spells_enabled ConVar
- Removed the Teleport spell from the general spell list when spells are enabled outside of Helltower
- Added rare spells to the general spell list, except Skeletons and Monoculus
- Removed the Teleport spell from the general spell list when spells are enabled outside of Helltower
- Turning a player into a ghost now grants the attacker a kill credit
- Players can now fly around as a ghost by holding the jump key
- TargetID system
- Now creates a floating health indicator over the target
- Reduced size of nameplate
- Added tf_hud_target_id_alpha ConVar to control the transparency
- Now creates a floating health indicator over the target
- Fixed player voice transmissions not transmitting the last second of recording
- Fixed a dedicated server crash when the autoexec.cfg contains a bind command
- Fixed Unicode font performance and rendering issues for Mac clients
- Fixed an exploit that allowed players to remove the ghost condition
- Fixed Unicode font performance and rendering issues for Mac clients
- Added a field to the Tools->Options->3DView tab that multiplies the length of the rendered light_spot cone preview