Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

November 21, 2012

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
  • Fixed a client crash in the sound emitter

Team Fortress 2
  • Fixed a dedicated server hang in bot pathfinding
  • Fixed the tf_zombie entity crashing some servers

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

November 16, 2012

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
  • Fixed an audio problem for Mac users
  • Added a new ConVar sv_shutdown_timeout_minutes
    • Forces a server to shutdown if it has been requested to do so, even if the server is not empty

Team Fortress 2
  • Added new promo items
  • Fixed a crash in the class loadout panel for Mac users
  • Fixed a dedicated server memory leak when running Mann vs. Machine mode
  • Fixed tf_forced_holiday not properly forcing the holiday mode
  • Fixed an Mann vs. Machine exploit that allowed permanent ubercharge/critboost effects on non-Mann-Up servers.
  • Added missing style names for the Plutonidome, Sir Hootsalot, and the Bat Outta Hell
  • Fixed column header labels being clipped in the scoreboard
  • Fixed a dedicated server performance issue related to bots
  • Fixed an incorrect texture for the Jumper's Jeepcap
  • Fixed team colors for the Voodoo JuJu (Slight Return)
  • Updated the localization files
  • Updated cp_gullywash_final1
    • Fixed the large curved railing in the Blu Base to mirror the railing in the Red Base
    • Fixed Red Capture Point 2 to prevent capping through a wall behind the point

Vote! Vote! Vote!

November 16, 2012

<a href=""><img src="" width="100%" border="0"></a>

Voting is now <b>LIVE</b> for the Second Annual Saxxy Awards, from now until midnight GMT, November 27th! Your votes will help our panel of judges make the final call on which entries are the most gut-bustingly hilarious, the most eye-wettingly dramatic, the most pants-crappingly action-packed, and the most heart-tuggingly romantic. We don't want to oversell things here, but this is quite literally the most <i>important thing you will ever cast a vote for.</i> All that Presidential election hooha? Consider that nonsense practice for your voting finger, like the training montage in Rocky IV, except instead of your finger lifting a telephone pole up a mountain on its back, it'll be clicking a mouse button.

<strong style="font-size:16px">How to Vote</strong>

Every video entered in the 2012 Saxxy Awards can be viewed and voted on at the <a href="">Saxxy Awards voting page</a>. Head over now to vote! We've randomized all the entries to keep things fair; however, you <i>can</i> filter by category if you're more interested in some genres than others. After you've watched an entry, simply upvote it or downvote it and move onto the next one. Vote as much as you like, but remember: you've only got one vote per entry.

Also, with such a huge number of entries, it's a challenge to keep on top of entries breaking the <a href=""> contest rules.</a> So if you spot an entry that's longer than five minutes, or that's using copyrighted (i.e. not Valve, and not public domain) material, help us out and report it.

The winners of this year's Saxxy Awards will be revealed on <b>November 30th</b>, with the exception of the Best Overall category. Why? Because the winner of the Best Overall category will be announced <b>LIVE</b> on the <a href="">GTTV</a> Spike Video Game Awards pre-show on December 7th, AND their entry shown on the air. Stay tuned for details!

Vote! Vote! Vote!

November 16, 2012

Voting is now LIVE for the Second Annual Saxxy Awards, from now until midnight GMT, November 27th! Your votes will help our panel of judges make the final call on which entries are the most gut-bustingly hilarious, the most eye-wettingly dramatic, the most pants-crappingly action-packed, and the most heart-tuggingly romantic. We don't want to oversell things here, but this is quite literally the most important thing you will ever cast a vote for. All that Presidential election hooha? Consider that nonsense practice for your voting finger, like the training montage in Rocky IV, except instead of your finger lifting a telephone pole up a mountain on its back, it'll be clicking a mouse button.

How to Vote

Every video entered in the 2012 Saxxy Awards can be viewed and voted on at the Saxxy Awards voting page. Head over now to vote! We've randomized all the entries to keep things fair; however, you can filter by category if you're more interested in some genres than others. After you've watched an entry, simply upvote it or downvote it and move onto the next one. Vote as much as you like, but remember: you've only got one vote per entry.

Also, with such a huge number of entries, it's a challenge to keep on top of entries breaking the contest rules. So if you spot an entry that's longer than five minutes, or that's using copyrighted (i.e. not Valve, and not public domain) material, help us out and report it.

The winners of this year's Saxxy Awards will be revealed on November 30th, with the exception of the Best Overall category. Why? Because the winner of the Best Overall category will be announced LIVE on the GTTV Spike Video Game Awards pre-show on December 7th, AND their entry shown on the air. Stay tuned for details!

Five Days Left to Submit to the Saxxy Awards

November 10, 2012

<a href=""><img src="" width="100%" border="0"></a>

Just a friendly reminder to anybody planning on submitting an entry to the Second Annual Saxxy Awards that the deadline is November 15, 12:00 AM GMT. This means that we <b>won't accept entries</b> after this date. Those of you planning on waiting until there's a single adrenaline-gorged second on the countdown clock, remember: You're not Jeremy Renner in The Hurt Locker and there's absolutely no need to do this. If you want to ensure your entry gets submitted, do not wait until the last minute.

Also, once your entry has been submitted, don't forget to double-check it. (You can find it in the Videos tab of your <a href="">Steam Community</a> profile.) Note that if you’ve uploaded your video to YouTube before, you may encounter a duplication issue. Learn how to <a href="">fix it here</a>.

One last thing: We've received some questions about using music. Just to clarify: Using royalty-free music in your entry is absolutely okay, but you should submit a source link in your entry's description as proof of the music's royalty-free-ness when possible.

Five Days Left to Submit to the Saxxy Awards

November 10, 2012

Just a friendly reminder to anybody planning on submitting an entry to the Second Annual Saxxy Awards that the deadline is November 15, 12:00 AM GMT. This means that we won't accept entries after this date. Those of you planning on waiting until there's a single adrenaline-gorged second on the countdown clock, remember: You're not Jeremy Renner in The Hurt Locker and there's absolutely no need to do this. If you want to ensure your entry gets submitted, do not wait until the last minute.

Also, once your entry has been submitted, don't forget to double-check it. (You can find it in the Videos tab of your Steam Community profile.) Note that if you’ve uploaded your video to YouTube before, you may encounter a duplication issue. Learn how to fix it here.

One last thing: We've received some questions about using music. Just to clarify: Using royalty-free music in your entry is absolutely okay, but you should submit a source link in your entry's description as proof of the music's royalty-free-ness when possible.

Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch Updates Released

November 02, 2012

Updates to Team Fortress 2, Day of Defeat: Source and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

Source Engine Changes (TF2, DoD:S, HL2:DM)
  • Fixed a bug that was causing intermittent lag spikes for Linux dedicated servers
  • Fixed a crash while command-tabing on Mac in fullscreen
  • Fixed not running on Mac OSX 10.5.8

Team Fortress 2
  • MERASMUS! has leveled up at WizardCon!
    • "The Skull Island Topper" now tracks the highest level of Merasmus the owner has helped defeat
    • Increased Engineer, Scout, Pyro and Heavy damage against Merasmus
    • Increased Soldier and Demoman damage against Merasmus while he is in hiding
  • Saxxy Awards submissions are now being accepted for the Replay category via the in-game YouTube™ uploader
  • Fixed the Heavy not playing the correct audio when equipping all of the Grand Duchess items
  • Fixed the Grand Duchess items not being groupped as an item set
  • Fixed a bug that allowed spells to be applied to base items
  • Added zombie character images and a new Halloween background for the main menu
  • Beta version of new item import tool, available in game in the Steam Workshop submission process
  • Fixed Mann vs. Machine robots not taunting when they level up while carrying the bomb
  • Updated the health bar for Merasmus and Monoculus
  • Added more credits to Caliginous Caper, Wave 666

Now Accepting Submissions for the Saxxy Awards!

November 01, 2012

As of 12:00AM GMT today and for the next two weeks, we are <b>now accepting submissions</b> for the Second Annual Saxxy Awards! <a href="">Click here to find out how to submit!</a>

<a href="">Read the blog post here</a>

Now Accepting Submissions for the Saxxy Awards!

November 01, 2012

As of 12:00AM GMT today and for the next two weeks, we are now accepting submissions for the Second Annual Saxxy Awards! Click here to find out how to submit!

Read the blog post here


October 27, 2012

<a href=""><img src="" width="100%" border="0"></a>

In much the same way that most of the characters in the 1983 haunted elevator movie “The Lift” were warned – repeatedly - to take the stairs, we warned you that the frankly terrifying <a href="">Scream Fortress Halloween event</a> was coming. And now it’s here, and you’re scared, and you don’t have anyone to blame but yourself. This year, you’ll experience the tear-squirting terror of being trapped in a living nightmare with a vindictive ghost, just like everyone in M. Night Shyamalan’s epic of elevator haunting, “Devil”. Before we get to the horror proper, though, we’d like to thank everyone in the community who contributed such terrific items on short notice. Alright, enough talking. As female reporter Jennifer says just before the final elevator battle in “The Shaft”: It’s going DOWN!